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What Magic Edges issue to start from?

What Magic Edges issue to start from

Suppose you first saw the edition “Magic Edges” on the counter of a bookstore or Internet pages.
Want to try?
But the question is which issue to start.
Maybe "Magic Edges No. 1"?


There are many “Magic Edges” in our assortment, and there will be even more!

So that you can find the answer to this question, you should read a note in the journal "Science and Life" № 4, 2017:

"Englishwoman Jane Campbell, a literary scholar by education, in her student years in the evenings worked in the bookstore of the University of Edinburgh. After graduation, she worked in bookstores in different countries. For many years, she has collected strange and mixed requests, opinions, and customer statements. It was an article written by fellow sellers of English and foreign bookstores, and she recently released this collection in the form of a book. Here is one excerpt from her collection.

- What was the name of the first Harry Potter book?
- "Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone."
- And the second?
- "Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets".
- Give me the "The Chamber of secrets", "Sorcerers Stone" I do not need.
- Have you already read it?
- The first book is always written only for overclocking, and the real action begins later. I do not intend to spend time on the prologue.
“But the Harry Potter story starts right from the first page.” Personally, I would advise you to start with the first volume.
- Do you get a percentage for each book sold?
- not.
- And how many books in this series?
- Seven.
- Well, you see. I'm not going to spend money on the first book. Give me a second.
- As you wish.
A week later, the buyer returns.
The seller refers to him:
- Well, do you want the "Prisoner of Azkaban"?
- And what is it?
- The third book about Harry Potter.
- Well, no! This is too confusing essay. Nothing is clear. Do kids like this count on? For example, this type by the name Voldemort? Where did he come from? Oh, these modern authors! No, I've had enough.

According to the book “Strange Things that Customers Say in Bookstores,” Jen Campbell. "

Having estimated the buyers' humor, let us return to the question, from which a number of the “Magic Edges” should we start?

Maybe from the first? Here and not necessarily! The fact is that each of the numbers is independent of the others, and you can start exploring the collection from any number.

There is a small recommendation from the authors of the publication.

Choose the issue that will allow you to plunge into this voluminous world filled with mathematical symmetry. And choose polyhedra that are glued together quickly and easily.

regular polyhedra


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