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Spatial Cross

An example of what can be assembled from cubes.

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Euler's Formula for Polyhedra

Euler’s Formula for polyhedra is a remarkable mathematical formula connecting the number of vertices, edges, and faces of a polyhedron.

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Screenshot six boxes and the golden ratio

This polyhedron model is the intersection of three parallelepipeds.
It is based on the intersection of three rectangles, where each rectangle has the proportions of the golden ratio.

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0 zastavka

The geometric shape of the deltoidal icositetrahedron attracted the attention of filmmakers.

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cover cross section cube

As a cover for this article, we offer a picture from a popular TV show.

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Semi-Regular Polyhedrons

Semi-regular polyhedra are several groups of polyhedra: 1. Archimedean solids; 2. Catalan solids;...

Archimedean Polyhedra. How to make pdf template

Archimedes, a scientist from Ancient Greece, discovered thirteen types of polyhedra, now called...

The Kepler Star

The Kepler's Star (nor Keplerstjernen), 45 meters high, is located near Oslo in Gardemoen Airport. A huge...

What Magic Edges issue to start from?

Suppose you first saw the edition “Magic Edges” on the counter of a bookstore or Internet...

Polyhedron as an emblem of the town

The founders of Mirny, located in the Arkhangelsk region, placed a polyhedron, the Great...

Escher mosaic polyhedra

With the same pattern repeating on each polyhedrons face, it is possible to create an alternating...

Multifaceted hearth

For a primeval man, fire once became a new form of social life. The night ceased to be an...