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The ancient Greeks gave the polyhedron a name according to the number of faces. "Tetra" means four, "hedra" means the face (tetrahedron - a solid having four faces).
Polyhedron refers to the regular polyhedra and is one of the five Platonic solids.
The tetrahedron has the following characteristics:
The type of face is the right triangle;
The number of sides at the face is 3;
The total number of faces is 4;
The number of edges adjacent to the vertex is 3;
The total number of vertices is 4;
The total number of edges is 6;
The regular tetrahedron is composed of four equilateral triangles. Each vertex is a vertex of three triangles. Therefore, the sum of flat angles at each vertex is 180 °.
The tetrahedron has no symmetry center but has 3 axes of symmetry and 6 planes of symmetry.
Is the tetrahedron a pyramid? Yes, the tetrahedron is a triangular pyramid where all sides are equal.
Can a pyramid be a tetrahedron? Only if it is a pyramid with a triangular base and each of its sides is an equilateral triangle.
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