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Why can the paper be so strong?

How to make paper harder?
Sometimes you hear the question: “Why did you choose paper (or more precisely, design cardboard) to assemble polyhedrons? It is not the most durable material."

So, why paper? Or how can we make paper harder?

Let is an experiment!

We will need:
- Three identical glasses;
- A sheet of ordinary office paper, such as A4 format and a density of 80 g / m2.

The experiment goes as follows:
1. Place two glasses at a distance equal to their diameter and place a sheet of paper on them.
2. Place the third glass in the middle of the paper. Naturally, the paper will sag, and the glass will fall through.
3. Now repeat the experiment, but first, fold the sheet-like an accordion. We bent the sheet in half three times and got an accordion of seven links.

how to make paper harder
how to make paper harder
how to make paper harder

how to make paper harder

What happened? The paper withstood the weight of the glass!
But how? The sheet of paper is easily bent, but there are tough ribs to bend when you fold it like an accordion.

how to make paper harder

How much does a paper page weigh? 5 grams!

how to make paper harder

How much does glass weigh? 186 grams!


And a little romance!
Those who watched the film "World War Z" certainly remember the image of the main character, played by Brad Pitt, was protected from zombies by paper armor.

how to make paper harder 
By improvising with magazines and scotch tape, our hero manages to create armor capable of protecting against a zombie bite!

how to make paper harder
how to make paper harder
The magazine is wrapped around the arm and secured with adhesive tape. As a result, many sheets of plain paper glossy become extremely hard and save the hero at the right moment.

© polyhedr.com  03/06/2019


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