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Sixth stellation of the icosahedron

Sixth stellation icosahedron

Sixth stellation icosahedron

The polygons forming the faces are as follows:

Video. Rotation of a polyhedron:

Video. Polyhedron assembly:

american star


Detailed assembly from Andrei Lomakin (youtube channel - Sekretmastera)


Detailed assembly from Alexei Zhigulev (youtube-channel - Origami)


Polyhedra in architecture. Part 2

The “business card” of the Republic of Belarus is a new building of the National Library in Minsk....

How to quickly make a TORUS from a sheet of paper

Want to make a fairly complex geometric solid - torus in 10...

Polyhedra in the cinema

Modern cinema has...

Origami vs "Magic Edges" sets

This article will tell whether the “Magic Edges” can be attributed to a variety of origami. As the same...

Ninja sword cuts math cube in half

As a cover for this...

Novotalitskaya school

Under the guidance of Tatyana Yurievna Timofeyeva, a teacher of mathematics, the guys worked on the...

The Kepler Star

The Kepler's Star (nor Keplerstjernen), 45 meters high, is located near Oslo in Gardemoen Airport. A huge...