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Small rhombicosidodecahedron toroid

Small rhombicosidodecahedron toroid

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What do football and geometry have in common? - Forms. When you collect this polygonal ball, you can shout, “Victory! Goal!" - You subjugated another form.

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The outer boundaries of the polyhedron correspond to the shape of a Small rhombicosidodecahedron.

Small rhombicosidodecahedron toroid
Magic edges 27

The polyhedron is presented in the issue "Magic Edges #27"

The polyhedron is arranged so that the outer part consists of a group of elements, and the inner is empty.

From a mathematical perspective, the existing geometric solid can be represented in simpler bodies connected - triangular prisms and tetrahedrons.

In the video, we tried to depict it clearly.


A detailed assembly of the polyhedron - A Small rhombicosidodecahedron from Dmitry Alkhovik (youtube channel - Modelmen Life)


Detailed assembly from Andrei Lomakin (youtube channel - Sekretmastera)


Detailed assembly from Alexei Zhigulev (youtube channel - Origami)


View the production process for Magic Edges #27 kit to assemble this polyhedron


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