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Please answer a few questions.
You can express your opinion.
This will allow us to improve the website and our product “Magic Edges”.
The survey will take no more than 3 minutes.

1. How did you learn about the website polyhedr.com?
1.1. through Internet search;
1.2. banner advertising;
1.3. buying a set of "Magic Edges";
1.4. another source.

2. How do you rate the relevance of the content on our website?
2.1. interesting, discovered a lot of new things;
2.2. good, but I want more;
2.3. satisfactory;
2.4. nothing new, lost time.

3. Do you plan to make purchases in our online store?
3.1. Yes, I will make orders;
3.2. already bought, do not plan more purchases;
3.3. found cheaper;
3.4. I am not interested.

4. How did you find out about our Magic Edges product?
4.1. through the site polyhedr.com;
4.2. I saw in a bookstore;
4.3. saw at a fair / festival;
4.4. from friends.

5. Are you satisfied with the “Magic Edges” product?
5.1. yes, pleased;
5.2. fine;
5.3. good but difficult;
5.4. no.

6. Wishes to the work of the site and (or) product "Magic Edges".

7. Brief information about you:
- Your name;
- Your age;
- City (country);
- contact details (mobile phone, email).

Please send this form to email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you for your attention!