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Project News Polyhedr.com in November 2020

Merkaba - energy polyhedron

Merkaba - energy polyhedron

According to some spiritual teachings, a polyhedron already familiar to us — a compound of two tetrahedra (stellated octahedron) — is not just a geometric form. This form is endowed with powerful energy and maybe even supernatural properties.

Nets solids of revolution. How to make pdf template

solids of revolutionWhat happens if a flat geometric shape, such as a rectangle, begins to rotate rapidly relative to one of its sides?
We create a new geometric solid in space by rotation.

Archimedean Polyhedra. How to make pdf template

Archimedean Polyhedra

Archimedes, a scientist from Ancient Greece, discovered thirteen types of polyhedra, now called Archimedean solids, referred to as semi-regular polyhedra.


Divide the icosahedron (into parts)

Divide the icosahedron
Is it possible to make up an icosahedron using more simple polyhedra?
Divide the icosahedron

The star of hope

Bethlehem star
A star is an image of divine idea and will; due to them, our Light and Universe were created and started to exist in Space.

Mathematical properties of the Platonic solids

One can specify the following mathematical characteristics in each of the five Platonic solids:

1. The radius of the sphere circumscribing the polyhedron;

2. The radius of the sphere inscribed in the polyhedron;

3. The surface area of the polyhedron;

4. The volume of the polyhedron.

Polyhedra in nature

tetrahedron antimony sodium sulphate

In the natural environment, regular polyhedra can be found in the form of crystals (minerals).

The form of the tetrahedron is transmitted by antimony sodium sulfate.

Dudeny dissection

cut a triangle into parts

Is it possible to cut a triangle into such several parts so that one can put a square together?




Dual pairs of polyhedra

dodecahedron vs icosahedron

What do the dodecahedron and icosahedron have in common?

Escher mosaic polyhedra

Escher mosaic on dodecahedron

With the same pattern repeating on each polyhedrons face, it is possible to create an alternating combination of patterns on a three-dimensional geometric solid.